Berry Cobbler Recipe

Easy 3 Ingredient Berry Cobbler Recipe

Berry Cobbler Recipe with ice cream

Easy 3 ingredient Berry Cobbler

Yield: 6
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 45 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour

Berry cobbler desserts have long been a beloved dessert for many families including mine! This desert is often associated with warm memories and comfort. My favorite has always been a good blackberry cobbler that is slightly sweet with a crisp topping.

When I have made this recipe, the aroma fills the kitchen and evokes feelings of home and cozy gatherings. The simplicity and classic appeal of a 3-ingredient berry cobbler can transport people back to childhood or remind them of cherished family recipes.

The reason I love this simple berry cobbler recipe is because it appeals to most taste buds and you can use any fruit you want. You can use apples or peaches for example.

You can't beat the combination of juicy berries and a buttery, slightly crunchy topping in my opinion. The delightful flavor is irresistible.

Just Three Ingredients!

All you'll need for this 3-ingredient berry cobbler recipe is yellow cake mix, butter, and mixed berries. Use any berries you wish! They could either be from a bag in the frozen food aisle or fresh. The butter should be unsalted, and it will need to be melted.

If you love a super sweet dessert, you certainly could add granulated sugar to your list of ingredients and add it to your berries before making your cobbler.

Can You Use Any Fruit Besides Berries?

If berries aren't your preferred fruit, this versatile recipe can be adapted to suit any type of fruit. Whether it's canned peaches, canned cherry or apple filling, or even fresh fruit, this recipe will yield delightful results. You can easily customize it based on what fruits are in season or readily available.

If you decide to use fresh fruit, you can follow the same steps as with frozen berries in this 3-ingredient berry cobbler recipe. Simply substitute fresh berries for the frozen ones. Alternatively, if you opt for fresh peaches or apples, remember to peel and dice the fruit before adding it to the pan.

Top with ice cream or whip cream!

Let me share with you why, in my humble opinion, why this is my all time favorite recipe:

  1. Effortless: When it comes to mixed berry cobbler, I've found the perfect solution to my pie crust struggles. By replacing it with a simple biscuit topping, I can bid farewell to the hassle of chilling and rolling dough. It's a win-win!
  2. Easier than PIE: As much as I adore homemade pies, their lengthy cooling times sometimes don't align with my cravings. That's where berry cobbler steps in—it offers a speedy yet equally impressive dessert option that perfectly captures the essence of the season.
  3. Endlessly Adaptable: What I truly love about cobbler is its versatility. Whether I'm in the mood for blackberries, blueberries, or even peaches, I can easily customize the recipe to suit my taste. Apples or pears? Sure, why not! Cobbler adapts effortlessly to my fruit preferences.
  4. Simple Pantry Staples: Nothing beats the satisfaction of creating a delicious treat with ingredients I already have on hand. Cobbler doesn't demand anything out of the ordinary—just the usual suspects like flour, butter, sugar, and a touch of vanilla and salt. It's comforting to know that I can whip up something delightful without a culinary scavenger hunt.
  5. Naturally Flavorful: One of the things that make cobbler truly special is how it lets the natural flavors of the season shine through. I like to pick my own berries and use them for a cobbler.
  6. Pure Deliciousness: Let me tell you, there's no better summer duo than the irresistible combination of lush sweet berries and tender, cake-like biscuits, all topped with a heavenly golden and crispy crust. Each bite is a mouthwatering symphony of flavors that leaves me craving more. Cobbler has rightfully earned its place as a cherished dessert in my heart.


  • 8 cups frozen mixed berries (or fresh berries)
  • ½ cup (1 stick) butter, melted
  • 1 box yellow cake mix


  1. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
    Add 8 cups of frozen berries (or fresh berries) into a 9" X 9" square pan. If you're using a glass baking dish, grease the pan before adding the berries.
  2. Melt the stick of butter and let cool. Combine the melted butter and dry yellow cake mix by adding the butter gradually. Mix with a large fork until crumbly.
  3. Top the berries with some of the cake mix crumbles. Give the top of your fruit a slight stir to incorporate the mixture just at the top.
  4. Sprinkle the rest of the cake mix topping over the fruit and pat the mixture down slightly.
  5. Bake the berry cobbler for 40-45 minutes until the top is golden brown.
    Serve the 3-ingredient berry cobbler with fresh whipped cream or vanilla ice cream and a sprig of mint for garnish, if desired.


Don't forget you can use any type of fruit if you don't want to use berries. Works great with peaches and apples!

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