Reflection of the soul

Nurturing Your Soul: Why It Matters and How to Do It

I’ve found myself deeply contemplating the nature of the soul after deep conversations with friends and family about the end of life. One thing has become clear to me: the soul is eternal. In this post, I’ll explore why nurturing your soul matters, how to do it, and what can happen when we neglect this…

Yoga, fitness and friends on the beach together for mental health, wellness or meditating in summer

5 Practical Tips to Improve Your Emotional Well-being

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, often neglecting our emotional well-being in the process. In this post I am sharing 5 tips to improve your emotional well-being. These are health wellness habits we should all practice. Improving my well-being is crucial because it…

An image of a pretty older woman dealing with ageism

What is ageism? Impact on women and what we can do

My friend told me the other day that she feels invisible ever since she turned 40 something. She said when she walks into a crowded room, she feels like she melts into the ground. This common feeling is an issue in American society for women. Let’s learn more about ageism, how it manifests, and how…

How To Stay Calm

Top 18 Simple Daily Tasks To Stay More Calm And Happy In Our Chaotic World

It seems as though life is always chaotic and unpredictable. We’re constantly hit with an onslaught of work, family obligations, commitments and emotions. It’s no wonder why so many of us feel overwhelmed and anxious. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just tap a zen button for instant calmness? The Importance Of Reducing Stress…

Journaling- Gal Pal blog
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17 Ways to More Self Love & Happiness

Self love is the best love because it needs to start within.  Around Valentine’s Day many  people dread the “Hallmark holiday” because the expectations are set so high. Some feel the pressure to remember your romantic relationship, gal pals, friends and family members. The holiday is lovely and is all in good spirit but for…

Christmas atmosphere at home
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How To Stay Balanced And Grounded During The Holidays

Some tips on how to stay balanced and grounded throughout the holidays. What Will Your Holiday Story Be?  I often hear people talk about how they always eat too much, drink too much, buy too many presents for their kids, and then after the holidays feel like crap. They have a holiday ‘hangover’. It’s a…

Young family cooking

What To Eat To Reduce Anxiety

9. Amino Acids Beef and other red meats also contain different amino acids critical for one’s mental health and brain function. Many types of meat contain B vitamins, including thiamine or vitamin B1, which affect mood.  Meats rich in B vitamins that help ward off anxiety include beef, pork, and chicken. Protein found in meat…