
How To Embrace Change In The New Year

If you are afraid of change, you are not alone. It’s difficult to embrace change, but it is the inevitable part of life in our modern world.. Some people thrive on change. They look at change to open their territory and meet new challenges in life. Explore some ideas on how to embrace change in the New Year.

Other people fear change because the fear of the unknown is intimidating. Change is never comfortable, but change is often good to us whether it is in our comfort zone or not.

Change Is Never Comfortable But Change is Good For Us

Whether we like it or not, change is the natural order of things in our personal or professional life. So how do you embrace change in your life? We have some suggestions on how to let go of fear, listen to your gut, and make positive lifestyle changes. 

As we welcome the new year, there is a bit of angst in the air. Why? We don’t know what the new year will bring. It’s a bit scary sometimes as we imagine the worse case scenarios.

After our two years of this crazy pandemic, it is easy to feel like we are walking on rocky ground. Wouldn’t be nice if we could walk into the new year on steady ground? What if we imagined this to be true? Just imagining this is helpful for us. Envision the positives is what I try to do every day. It’s a struggle no doubt!

But here is the thing. What if instead of worrying about what the future holds, we embrace it? We welcome change with an open door as we envision positive shifts in our life. Let’s all put ourselves out there, to embrace change in our life. 

When I look back on my life, every time I took a chance at something new, I never ever regretted it. I have always been open minded and up for new challenges while being grateful for what I have What about you? Do you like learning new things?

The Two Kinds Of Change

There are two kinds of change in your life.

#1 The first is the unexpected kind of change that is often forced upon you by unforeseen events and circumstances. This type of change can really suck. At the end of the day, change opens doors.

#2 The second is planned change that you have had time to think about and prepare for. Let’s focus on this type of change. 

a woman with her hands in the air celebrating the new year on the waterfront

So are you considering a new job? A move? Starting a new biz? Having a child? Trying a new workout routine? Reaching out to new friends? Whatever the notion of change you are feeling, put yourself out there in some unfamilar situations it’s actually good for you. Different experiences in life open our minds and life for positive change.

Life Is Short So Opt For Adventure!

Making life decisions may seem risky but it you don’t try; you never know what can be on the other side. Hey, life is short. Opt for adventure. When you look back on your life, I bet you will be happy you took that job opportunity, moved to the new city, tried a unique hobby, started the new workout regime. 

My Recent Life Changes

When we moved from our home of 24 years, I would be lying if I said it was an easy decision. We moved cities further away from close friends and family, but we knew in our gut it was the right thing to do.

Major life changes are valuable lessons in life. Why? When we pull the trigger to change, we can look back and say “hey that wasn’t too bad”. After we moved, I felt empowered. Life went on, things improved and now I know for a fact that our move was the best decision in the world for our family.

Our entire family reflects on the move and smiles. We all feel like we accomplished one of the biggest changes with success. It’s a new adventure, and it makes us so happy. That change inspired me for more change. I started this blog and my lifestyle.

Open That New Door!

I want to encourage you to open up a new door in the new year. Turn the knob, and crack the door wide open! Breath for a moment before taking a step through doorway.

Skip down a new path with optimism and gratitude and give yourself some room to grow. You may discover a talent you never knew you had. Hey, one of my good friends picked up a new hobby. He started painting during a career shift. He found out he is super talented and is selling his art work all over the country now. It all happened so quickly too. You just never know folks!

You may meet new friends, make more money, find a job you adore, become healthier, meet your soul-mate who knows! It’s all up to you… if you are open to changing things up. Embrace the opportunity for change and adventure.

Time for change graphic

“The only way that we can live, is if we grow. The only way that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out into the open. Do it. Throw yourself.”

C. JoyBell C

Determine What’s Important To YOU! Trust Your Gut

Associate Professor Anthony Grant, from the University of Sydney’s Coaching Psychology Unit, says that you should start by defining your core values and identify what is important to you.

“You need to be able to identify what it is about your goal that adds to you as a person, that makes you feel better and more expansive. If your goal aligns with your core values, then “the thought of it will trigger a positive gut feeling.” Learn to trust your gut.

Anthony Grant

If your goal aligns with your core values, then the thought of it will trigger a positive gut feeling.

Young man making a jump in the forest.
Young man making a jump in the forest.

Ask Yourself These Questions

  1. Envision the best thing that could happen if you made this change. What will my life look like?  Will this change give you more time with your family, will I become more active? Will it get you closer to a life goal you have had?
  2. If I don’t make this change, what will happen? Will I regret it? What are the consequences of the decision?
  3. Are you considering this change based on other people’s opinions or because I think I should?
  4. Does this idea of change keep entering your mind? If so, why do I keep thinking about making this change? Why haven’t I done this before? Is this the right time?
  5. Ask yourself… What you are afraid of? We want to change, but the biggest thing that holds us back is… fear. Are you practicing the deadly sins of change?
  6. Are you open to considering a new mindset that will propel you forward?

Do you feel you have people, emotions and fears holding you back? If so, read the 20 things that may be holding you back. 

Most likely the reason you procrastinate about making a decision to change is that you’re afraid to change. Deep down, you’re scared to take the plunge, even if it leads to a better life. Ask yourself what are you afraid of? Be honest with yourself.

As soon as you can acknowledge your fear (s) of change, you can conquer them.  Let go of your fears and emotions and people holding you back.

Learn how to set and achieve goals and resolutions you set for yourself this year click here.

The Four Most Common Fears Of Change Are:

1. Fear of something new– it’s uncomfortable sometimes, get over it!

2. Fear of Failure-One of the biggest mistakes of modern education is that it teaches us mistakes are bad, and we should be scared of them. On the contrary, mistakes are the way we learn best. Push your ego to the side and don’t be scared to fall, because that only gives you an opportunity to get back up and make light of the fall.

3. Fear Of What People May Think- people are so afraid of what others think, that they’d rather not try. This fear of criticism by others is a real fear, and must be overcome before you can change. Who really cares what people think, guys! Some may be jealous and others will admire you for trying if they are good people.

4. Fear Of Success- This seems silly, huh? An oxymoron. How could someone be afraid of success? People are! They may not want the attention etc. Being successful has baggage some people may be afraid of.

Whatever the fear…. identify it and then put it aside.What you will discover is that every time you try something new, it will feel like an accomplishment and soon enough… fear will not hold you back anymore.

The Only Thing Constant- Is Change

So, you may not be thinking of making a change, but the universe is moving in a way in which you must make a change whether you like it or not. If this is the case, just know that the only thing constant is change. We all know that our life can’t stay the same forever. We wouldn’t want that anyway, would we? It’s the natural part of life … so go with the flow.

All around us is an energy-a force that moves us to change. We are forever aging, growing and changing, so we should embrace change instead of fight it. Why is that many of us are scared and turned off by the thought of change? If we could only learn to let change work for us as it benefits us, we all would be much happier and more satisfied in life. 

Change is constant. Adapt fast. Quote. Quotes.
Change is constant. Adapt fast. Quote. Quotes.

The Most Successful People Are Not Afraid Of Change

Remember, the most successful people are those who are not afraid of change. They are brave and take risks.

Some things work out and others not but either way they learn and grow. We are no different from children.  Children gain confidence when they try big, scary things. They learn from failing. Eventually, kids learn new skills when they initially fail.

Adults are no different… the more we practice persistence and resilience, the stronger we become. With that said, take a chance and make a change in your life. 

My friend told me she lives by the motto, coasting in life is all downhill. In other words, to achieve a goal in life, it takes effort and work. You don’t get far in life if you coast. Life is an adventure, so it’s worth the trek uphill. 

Lonely cute afro american hair style girl sitting and hugging herself in outdoor feeling the nature

How To Make Positive Lifestyle Changes

1. Don’t Over Think Things

Make a decision and move forward with a plan that will take you on the journey of change. Take baby steps toward your goal or change. Set realistic short-term and long-term goals.              

2. Feel Free To Step Back Before You Step Forward

Picture yourself preparing to jump over a small river. The ground is not stable on either side of the water, so you step back and strategize the best plan before you jump.

You also want to have momentum, so taking a step back will give you the speed you need to complete your jump. Also, keep in mind that sometimes when you want to move forward, you may need to take a step back in pay if you change careers. Just expect that many times taking a step back is the process of moving forward. Achieving success in life is not linear.

3. Find Your Cheerleaders

Find those people who will cheer you on with this big change in your life. Who will support you and keep you accountable? Want to get fit and lose weight?

Find at least one person who you can check in on so you will be more motivated and accountable. According to the Mayo Clinic, a “strong social support network can be critical to help you through the stress of tough times, whether you’ve had a bad day at work or a year filled with loss or chronic illness.”            

4. Ask For Support

If you feel overwhelmed with making a change. Get support from those who will listen and support you. If you have to get a counselor, do it. If you are grieving, ask for help.

5. Have Faith

Faith is essential in making change. If you do not believe in the possibility of a positive outcome, you never begin, because doubt overwhelms you. For me, my faith in God is what keeps me moving through life. No matter what you believe, at least have faith in yourself. Believe in yourself. 

Reach your full potential in this New Year As You Start Embracing New Change

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