Health & Wellness

Welcome to our women’s health and wellness page, where we are committed to helping you prioritize your health and well-being. We provide comprehensive resources and practical advice on a wide range of topics, from nutrition and fitness to mental health and self-care.

Please note we are not doctors but get our data and information from credible sources.

Whether you’re dealing with a specific health concern or simply looking to improve your overall wellness, our page is the perfect place to start. Join our community of women who are dedicated to living their best lives, and let us support you on your journey to optimal health.

5 Factors That Contribute to Hormone Imbalance

5 Factors That Contribute to Hormone Imbalance

Most often when we hear hormone imbalance, we are thinking sex hormones. Thank you, Suzanne Somers! But I hope to give you a better perspective on this because too many of us are quick to jump on the Bio-identical Hormone Replacement band wagon without first making sure we have handled our foundation. To really understand…

How To Stay Balanced And Grounded During The Holidays
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How To Stay Balanced And Grounded During The Holidays

Some tips on how to stay balanced and grounded throughout the holidays. What Will Your Holiday Story Be?  I often hear people talk about how they always eat too much, drink too much, buy too many presents for their kids, and then after the holidays feel like crap. They have a holiday ‘hangover’. It’s a…

What To Eat To Reduce Anxiety

What To Eat To Reduce Anxiety

9. Amino Acids Beef and other red meats also contain different amino acids critical for one’s mental health and brain function. Many types of meat contain B vitamins, including thiamine or vitamin B1, which affect mood.  Meats rich in B vitamins that help ward off anxiety include beef, pork, and chicken. Protein found in meat…

How To Set Personal Boundaries And JUST SAY “NO” More Often
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How To Set Personal Boundaries And JUST SAY “NO” More Often

“Let today mark a new beginning for you. Give yourself permission to say NO without feeling guilty, mean, or selfish. Anybody who gets upset or expects you to say yes all of the time clearly doesn’t have your best interest at heart. Always remember: You have a right to say no without having to explain…

16 Scientific Health Reasons Women Should Drink Coffee
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16 Scientific Health Reasons Women Should Drink Coffee

There is something invigorating about waking up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Pouring a cup and cradling the hot mug between your hands as you reflect on the day ahead is the ideal way to start the day in my opinion. I don’t know about you, but I can’t start my day without…

7 Key Things To Consider When Buying Coffee Beans- #5 is surprising

7 Key Things To Consider When Buying Coffee Beans- #5 is surprising

The aroma of fresh roasted coffee beans is intoxicating. Maybe because I love coffee. It’s something I am not sure I can live without.  There is no doubt that the freshest coffee is always the best coffee. There is a substantial difference between brewing coffee where the beans have been sitting a while for a…