Health & Wellness

Welcome to our women’s health and wellness page, where we are committed to helping you prioritize your health and well-being. We provide comprehensive resources and practical advice on a wide range of topics, from nutrition and fitness to mental health and self-care.

Please note we are not doctors but get our data and information from credible sources.

Whether you’re dealing with a specific health concern or simply looking to improve your overall wellness, our page is the perfect place to start. Join our community of women who are dedicated to living their best lives, and let us support you on your journey to optimal health.

How To Set Personal Boundaries And JUST SAY “NO” More Often
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How To Set Personal Boundaries And JUST SAY “NO” More Often

“Let today mark a new beginning for you. Give yourself permission to say NO without feeling guilty, mean, or selfish. Anybody who gets upset or expects you to say yes all of the time clearly doesn’t have your best interest at heart. Always remember: You have a right to say no without having to explain…

16 Scientific Health Reasons Women Should Drink Coffee
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16 Scientific Health Reasons Women Should Drink Coffee

There is something invigorating about waking up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Pouring a cup and cradling the hot mug between your hands as you reflect on the day ahead is the ideal way to start the day in my opinion. I don’t know about you, but I can’t start my day without…

7 Key Things To Consider When Buying Coffee Beans- #5 is surprising

7 Key Things To Consider When Buying Coffee Beans- #5 is surprising

The aroma of fresh roasted coffee beans is intoxicating. Maybe because I love coffee. It’s something I am not sure I can live without.  There is no doubt that the freshest coffee is always the best coffee. There is a substantial difference between brewing coffee where the beans have been sitting a while for a…

How To Start Running – From the Couch To 5k- In Four Easy Steps

How To Start Running – From the Couch To 5k- In Four Easy Steps

Back when the world stopped last year in March, I got a cough and I couldn’t breathe. Wait…let me back up. In February on 2020, I was on track with my training to run a marathon in the Azores (It’s an island chain off the coast of Portugal full of volcanos) The training was brutal…

How-Why To Reconnect With Your Friends This Summer- 18 Fun Ideas

How-Why To Reconnect With Your Friends This Summer- 18 Fun Ideas

18 fun things To do with your girlfriends this summer Rediscover the joy of friendship with eighteen fun things to do with your girlfriends this Summer. Looking for new ideas? We are sharing the top 18 fun things to do with your friends this Summer. Explore eighteen fun ways to reignite with your friends. Rekindle…

Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy- What you need to know before you say “no”

Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy- What you need to know before you say “no”

The Estrogen Question, Know Before You Say No To HRT- Dr. Sandra Rice-Author Why a woman’s ovaries mysteriously shut down around age 50 is a mystery.  But this is an inevitable occurrence and marks a transition period in a woman’s life.  In this day and age, it means that we will live another 20 or…

The ZOOM Posture Fix- How To Stretch and Gain Strength

The ZOOM Posture Fix- How To Stretch and Gain Strength

Lets Get Stretchy and Strong Shall We? It is pretty clear that our new normal involves hours upon hours sitting in front of a screen most days. Gone are break room conversations, walking to a co-worker’s office to catch up, cross the street to grab a coffee or even “walking meetings”, which seemed like such…