My Plasma Pen Treatment

My Plasma Pen Treatment Review- Is it Worth It?

In the pursuit of flawless and youthful-looking skin, many individuals turn to innovative treatments. One such treatment gaining popularity is the plasma pen, a non-invasive procedure that offers remarkable skin transformation. While the plasma pen holds great potential for revitalizing the skin, it is essential to understand the process, potential risks, and the recovery involved.

What Is A Plasma Pen?

The plasma pen treatment has become a very popular procedure. So what is it ?

Plasma pen treatments, also known as fibroblast therapy, have been available for many years, but have recently gained a bit of momentum as the FDA has acknowledged them. Who can legally provide this treatment remains a gray area, and is state-to-state specific. 

I was fortunate enough to have a plasma pen treatment by an experienced plasma pen technician. When asked to try the procedure by Teri Scott ARNP , I jumped on the opportunity because the skin under my eyes and crow’s feet really bother me. It’s the crepey skin and the loss of elasticity that bums me out. I want to offer you an honest plasma pen treatment review.

Rev Up Your Collagen With The Plasma Pen

When I learned that a plasma pen procedure is one modality that can rev up your collagen production, cell alignment—which work together to diminish saggy skin, skin discoloration ,wrinkles and fine lines, and can add some density to the thickness of the skin I said let’s try it! Why not right?

There are so many exciting anti-aging and beauty trends to stay on top of. Read more here for the 16 top beauty trends like the new anti-aging high-tech skin tightening treatments.

What Is Plasma?

What the heck is plasma? The first thing people think of is the treatment called PRP- Platelet-rich plasma. However the plasma pen treatment is nothing like a PRP procedure.

The plasma energy used is a non-surgical procedure offers an 4th state of matter (water, solid, gas and plasma). This is how it works: The device converts electrical energy into electrostatic energy by using nitrogen in the air, which triggers an arc. 

While the pen does not actually touch the skin, it creates a small thermal wound to the epidermis (skin surface) that then transmits down to the dermis where the cells that have the ability to produce collagen live. The process is then repeated over the entire desired treatment area.

How The Plasma Pen Can Be Used:

  • Stretch marks
  • Tummy tuck scars
  • Advance Plasma facial treatments
  • Skin tightening procedures around the body
  • Acne scars-Acne scar treatment and smoothing
  • Lifting and sculpting of the face and neck

Micro-Trauma To The Skin = Improved Skin Health

This micro-trauma tricks your body into thinking there is a wound that must be repaired. The result can be skin tightening and toning, as well as skin rejuvenation. It is a treatment that can target both small and large areas of the body and can improve the skin’s overall health without surgery with minimal side effects.

The plasma pen harnesses the power of plasma energy to stimulate skin regeneration and resurfacing. This handheld device delivers controlled heat to the skin’s surface, creating micro-injuries that trigger the body’s natural healing response. As a result, the treated tissue underneath undergoes a rejuvenation process, leading to smoother, tighter, and more youthful-looking skin.

The plasma pen is renowned for its effectiveness in addressing various skin concerns. From diminishing fine lines and wrinkles to reducing the appearance of acne scars, the plasma pen has shown promising results. By stimulating collagen production and improving skin elasticity, it helps to restore a more youthful complexion.

No Surgery Required

For those who have no interest in going “under the knife”, it may offer a bit of help for necklace lines, hooded eyelids, crows feet, or even the dreaded smoker’s lines. There are many areas it can be considered for consultation. Terri Scott says, “it can be a great adjuvant therapy to other commonly requested procedures such as lasers, neurotoxin and fillers.” A solution to tighten loose skin with no plastic surgery required.  Only See A Professional.

Only See A Qualified Provider

It is very important to seek treatment from a qualified provider!!! When I heard you can buy some plasma pens online- it scared me. I can’t imagine not being trained and performing this type of fibroblast treatment unless you were a trained professional.

This can be a relatively quick and low-risk non invasive procedure in the right hands, but be advised,  I can tell you when the technician is treating the top layers of skin, you can smell the burning of skin. With that in mind, don’t try this at home, friends.

The Risks Of The Plasma Pen

The treatment also poses a risk of creating scars and pitting, says Dr. Devgan. And people of color in particular are susceptible to treated areas becoming hyperpigmented. According to Dr. Devgan, these side effects “can happen after one session.”

fibroblast recenzieneuderma fibroblast plasma penplaxar plasma pen reviewsfibroblast skin tighteningepithelial cellsdermal fibroblasts

What To Expect In Your Plasma Pen Procedure:

1. How To Plan For Your Plasma Pen Procedure

When planning for your treatment, make sure you avoid the sun—that means mineral sunscreen of at least SPF 40 every day, even if you intend to be inside the month before (and after) your plasma treatment. No sun tanning or spray tans.

If you have a history of age spots or melasma but are still deemed to be a suitable candidate, your provider might recommend either a lightening agent or a melanin inhibitor to reduce your risk of hyperpigmentation from the heat.

Other treatments in the same area should also be avoided in the weeks prior to your session—to include neurotoxin, filler, chemical peels, laser and waxing to name a few.

It’s not recommended for people with olive or darker skin tones because of heightened risks of hyperpigmentation. Those with Asian ancestry are advised to avoid this procedure.

The most common areas of treatment are the neck, stretch marks, lower and upper eyelids.

Contact lenses should not be worn, so bring your glasses. And if you use retinol, it should be discontinued for a week prior to the treatment. Teri shares “I like to start my clients on high-quality skin peptides such as Alastin’s Regenerating Skin Nectar—which is my favorite post treatment serum as well!”

2. When You Arrive For The Procedure

When you arrive for your procedure, you will have a topical numbing cream applied to the area of the skin treated. I was targeting my eye area, so I had several layers of numbing cream applied on my upper and lower eyelids.

The procedure does sting a bit so make sure you have plenty of numbing cream applied to ease the pain. After the procedure I felt no pain at all. As bad as the picture looks, it wasn’t painful at all.

Day one plasma pen. fibroblast recenzieneuderma fibroblast plasma penplaxar plasma pen reviewsfibroblast skin tightening

3. The Fibroblast Skin Tightening Treatment

The rejuvenation device never kissed my skin, but the sting from each fibroblast is uncomfortable but doable.

That down time is predominantly based on your skin’s overall health to begin with, your perception of what you will or won’t leave the house looking like, and also the region treated. It can make a fairly remarkable improvement in hooded eyelids, for example, but there is commonly a day or two of swelling that may reduce vision simply because of edema, which can make things like driving or reading more challenging until it resolves.

Not everyone is a candidate, so reviewing the contraindications is an excellent idea. Picking the right person for this treatment is a team event—with the patient and the provider desiring to commit to the best outcome.

Plasma Pen
Day #3 after plasma treatment

4. Aftercare

Aftercare is absolutely critical to achieving the best outcome. Immediately after your visit you will have a series of small dots outlining each wrinkle that should not be disturbed and allowed to fall off on their own (typically within 7 days).

It is recommend to take it easy on the day of your visit, and no heavy exercise for 24 hours. You may be tempted to cover the treated region with any makeup, sunscreen or powder until these crusts retract (except for provider recommended agent)—BUT DONT!

Remember there is brand new skin growing underneath that deserves to be babied until its ready to see the elements! It’s all about the healing process. Swelling can be common, and may be present for longer in some folks than others—expect 1-2 days, but it may last as long .

8 days after plasma pen treatment. fibroblast skin tightening
8 days after plasma pen treatment

In all cases, I say SPF 40 or more every day, 365, inside or out. After all, sunscreen is really the only anti-aging topical we have.”It’s a lot to remember, though aftercare instructions are made available either in written or electronic form, so if you forget what to do or not do, help is at hand!

Understanding The Recovery Process

While the plasma pen offers remarkable benefits, it is crucial to acknowledge that the recovery process plays a vital role in achieving desired outcomes. It is not uncommon to come across stories of plasma pen treatments gone wrong, emphasizing the significance of choosing a reputable and experienced practitioner. However, with proper care and adherence to aftercare instructions, most individuals experience a smooth recovery.

During the recovery period, it is essential to prioritize skin health and the restoration of the skin barrier. Following the plasma pen treatment, the skin may undergo a healing phase characterized by redness, swelling, and scabbing. It is crucial to provide adequate hydration, protection, and gentle cleansing to support the healing process and maintain the skin’s integrity.

Dermavel, a renowned brand in the skincare industry, offers products specially formulated to aid in the recovery process after plasma pen treatments. Many individuals have shared positive Dermavel reviews, highlighting its effectiveness in soothing and nourishing the skin post-treatment. These recovery photos demonstrate the remarkable transformation and the power of proper aftercare.

What Else To Expect After The Skin Fibroblast Treatment:

  • It is normal for the area that has been treated to feel tight and dry.
  • Occasional weeping will settle.
  • Tiny crusts (scabs) will quickly form on the treated area. Scabs are formed at the time of the treatment and will be visible. For some patients, that may be the reason they feel the need to take more time off from their social or lifestyle activities. This is what we refer to as “Social Down Time.” There is no medical reason you can’t return to work but you may feel self conscious. The scabs usually fall off anywhere from days 7-14. Once the dots release, the tissue is highly susceptible to UV exposure, so this is when a return to a high-quality sunscreen is important.  Teri Scott informs me that “If hyper or hypopigmentation occurs, it may self-resolve after 1-2 skin cycles (each about 6 weeks) or a micro-needling session might be helpful to getting uniformity back.
  • Do NOT pick crusts off as this will delay the healing process and could cause scarring.
  • The area(s) treated may be cleansed daily with lukewarm water and a soft, lint free cloth. You are only removing excess oil and do not need to thoroughly cleanse the treated skin.
  • Don’t stand with your face under a hot shower or direct water from shower head for the 3 to 5 days. This could increase swelling.
  • Shaving in the area treated should be avoided until it is fully healed.
  • If you have had treatment around your eyes, you should avoid wearing contact lenses for 1 week after your treatment because pulling on your skin can disrupt crusts.
  • When the crusts have fallen off then your skin may be a little pink as it is fresh, new and rejuvenated skin. This pinkness will fade over time in as little as 2 weeks up to a few months. In rare cases it may take up to 6 months.
  • Once the crusts have all fallen off you may apply your normal foundation/ make-up but avoid using skincare products containing Glycolic or any other active exfoliating ingredients as this will cause irritation.
  • You absolutely must NOT use saunas or sunbeds during 10 -12-week healing period and ideally for longer. Avoid the midday sun.
  • All other facial treatments on the same area should be avoided whilst your skin is healing
  • Use of topical Retin A, Hydroquinone and Vitamin C products should be avoided for 4 weeks (OTC products) to 6 weeks (prescription strength).

Is The Plasma Pen Worth It?

The jury is still out for me in terms of under my eyes. I can see a difference on my upper lids but not as much under my eyes.

My neck looks better for sure. It’s been five weeks and I can see the improvement in the one line on my neck we treated for a test. I do not see much improvement around my eyes at all yet but I must be patient. I need to wait 13 weeks to see the result so I will post again after that time.

Six months out- I can see very little difference around my eyes, my neck looks better still.

Before Plasma Pen treatment
Before plasma pen treatment
Plasma pen treatment on neck. fibroblast recenzieneuderma fibroblast plasma penplaxar plasma pen reviewsfibroblast skin tighteningepithelial cellsdermal fibroblasts
Right after my treatment
4 weeks after treatment
4 weeks after plasma pen treatment

I will share the results around my eyes and neck in another month so check back here. For my tempsure treatment review see here.

What Is The Difference Between A Plasma Pen and Jett Plasma Treatment?

Jett Plasma sets itself apart from AC plasma devices by offering a continuous flow of plasma, enabling smooth movement over the skin in a scanning motion. Unlike the limited dotting capability of AC plasma devices, the Jett plasma pen has an advanced feature allows for a gentler treatment with reduced damage to the treated area.

Jet Plasma – a revolutionary advancement in plasma technology designed to illuminate and firm your skin. This state-of-the-art innovation is not only capable of brightening and tightening the skin but also reducing pores, diminishing hyperpigmentation, and stimulating extensive collagen regeneration.

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How Does The Jet Plasma Work?

Jet Plasma operates by contracting and tightening the fibers within your skin, kickstarting collagen and fibroblast activity, thereby remodeling your skin from the inside out.

Is the Jet Plasma treatment safe? Ask your doctor it it said to be safe and effective. The Jet Plasma treatment should not be confused with the J-Plasma.

The J-plasma is a revolutionary treatment that uses helium gas and radiofrequency energy to create cold helium plasma, which is injected and used to treat the underside and the surface of the skin. It is said to be effective to tighten the skin on the tummy known as the “J Plasma stomach.”

The most advanced plasma technology is always around the corner. Since the time I have written this article another plasma treatment was introduced.

Subnovii is the most advanced plasma technology available today. Subnovii is FDA-cleared, and the first plasma device that uses LF+ technology: low-frequency + a patented wavelength and power combination. 

I have not tried the jet plasma or the new subnobii treatment so I can’t speak to it. The key is finding a qualified professional to discuss the options with. They will be able to tell you how many treatments you will need so you can weigh the benefits.

Other Trending Skin Treatments To Consider:

The Osmo Plasma Pen is a cutting-edge device used for various skin treatments, including the sought-after Plasma Lip Flip. This non-invasive procedure enhances the appearance of the lips by subtly adding volume and definition, resulting in a natural-looking pout.

Clients who have tried the Plaxel Plasma Pen have raved about the results in their reviews, praising its effectiveness in achieving smoother, youthful-looking skin.

Opus Plasma Treatments have gained popularity due to their ability to improve skin texture and address concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars. With Opus Plasma, you can target specific areas of concern, stimulating collagen production and promoting overall skin rejuvenation.

For those seeking skin resurfacing alternatives to traditional laser treatments, the Opus Plasma Skin Resurfacing procedure is something to look into. It offers a gentle and effective solution.

This innovative treatment uses plasma technology to resurface the skin, improving its tone, texture, and overall appearance. Clients who have experienced Opus Plasma treatments have reported noticeable improvements in their skin’s texture and a rejuvenated, youthful glow.

Plasma skin treatments have evolved to encompass various innovative techniques, each offering unique benefits in the realm of skincare. One such advancement is the jet plasma treatment, a cutting-edge technology that promotes skin rejuvenation through the application of cold atmospheric plasma.

Comparatively, the jet plasma treatment is gaining recognition for its distinction from microneedling, as it offers a less invasive alternative for achieving similar results. The Jett Plasma machine is a notable player in this field, employing precision and controlled energy to deliver impressive outcomes in skin tightening and wrinkle reduction.

Additionally, the Neogen Plasma treatment, characterized by its before-and-after transformations, has gained popularity for its efficacy in wound healing and overall skin revitalization. These cold plasma facial treatments represent a modern frontier in skincare, combining technological innovation with the natural processes of the body for remarkable aesthetic outcomes.

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