home design

Affordable timeless chic Chinoiserie decor design ideas

Affordable timeless chic Chinoiserie decor design ideas

In today’s post, we dive into the enchanting world of Chinoiserie, a design style that has captivated hearts for centuries. Explore affordable ways to bring this chic and timeless style into your home with our expert tips and design ideas. From shopping guides to must-have items, unlock the secrets of creating a stunning Chinoiserie-inspired space…

Choosing the Right Wallpaper: Peel and Stick vs. Traditional Paste-the-Wall

Choosing the Right Wallpaper: Peel and Stick vs. Traditional Paste-the-Wall

Throughout centuries, wallpaper has remained a beloved and timeless choice for interior decor. However, our approach to it has significantly transformed. Presently, homeowners are presented with an extensive array of options, marking a remarkable evolution. The benefit of peel and stick wallpaper vs. traditional paste wallpaper. Explore our guide on what to consider when choosing…

How to design a Hamptons style inspired living room

How to design a Hamptons style inspired living room

The Hamptons are the ultimate definition of coastal chic. With their timeless designs and impressive architecture, the Hamptons style has become a household name that extends far beyond its East Coast roots. I’ve always been enamored by the Hamptons, which is a beloved holiday destination for the rich and famous. These charming villages situated along…

The Mid-Century Modern House of Tomorrow- Home Tour
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The Mid-Century Modern House of Tomorrow- Home Tour

While in the Palm Springs, I had the rare opportunity to take part in the mid-century modern house of tomorrow tour as part of this year’s modernism week.  I am sharing the home tour with you here. Take a peek inside the famous “Elvis Presley Honeymoon Hideaway” also known as “The House Of Tomorrow”. What…

How -Why- Where To Order Custom Made Drapes-What You Need To Know

How -Why- Where To Order Custom Made Drapes-What You Need To Know

I have various types of drapes in my home depending on the need and design.  From custom made to pre-packaged standard drapes there are so many options on the market it can be overwhelming. So how and why and where to order custom made drapes? We share that with you here.  There is no doubt…

6 Factors To Consider When Buying Drapes/Curtains

6 Factors To Consider When Buying Drapes/Curtains

Whether you’re looking to update a room, provide privacy, or looking for ways to add elegance and eye candy to your home, drapes and curtains are what you need.  Think of window coverings as the eyebrow and eyelashes for your windows. It’s the finishing touch to a room it’s the jewelry that finishes the look…