Mira Simon

It’s Never Too Late To Pursue Your Life’s Passion & Purpose- Meet Mira Simon

Reinventing Yourself As you Discover Your Life’s Purpose and Passion- Meet Mira Simon

We all hope to discover our life’s passion, right? For some, this comes early on in life, but for most, it takes a while, and for others, well… They may never figure this out.

It’s never too late to pursue your life’s purpose and passion. Mira Simon shares how she reinvented herself and found purpose, grace and joy.

Hey, we all have a story to tell. I find Mira’s story inspirational because she was able to identify what her life’s purpose and passion were in the midst of a very busy and successful career in another industry.

She made an abrupt career move and pivoted by starting her own fulfilling business. We are never too old to dig deep and unearth our life’s purpose.

The truth is, building your career around your passion is not just for “dreamers” or for artists. We all deserve to be doing work we’re passionate about—because that’s what we are all created to do. Do you agree?

Stop and listen to your heart- There you will find your passion

Meet Mira Simon, a woman who is extremely talented in many ways. After graduating from UCLA,  she fell into the media business where her first job was an executive assistant for a large media firm. She quickly excelled into media buying then shifted into radio sales and management.

I met Mira Simon when I started my career in the radio industry back in the day. I can remember clearly her energy and positive vibe that changed the entire office atmosphere.

Do you know anyone like that? Someone with a bright light that makes you feel good about yourself? That’s my Gal Pal Mira.

Mira is one of the best lifetime friends you could have. She’s always there for those around her, always eager to talk and listen.

She’s a “fixer,” someone that authentically wants to help “fix” any problem you have. She does this by helping you improve yourself by identifying the steps to take to reach your goals. She’s a natural coach period.

The Power Of Good Vibrations

Listen, everyone has the power to affect each other’s vibrations, especially if we’re not conscious of the fact that this is happening. If you have good intentions and a good attitude, it creates a ripple effect.

It’s amazing what happens to people when a positive, transparent soul walks into a  room and suddenly, everyone feels better, lighter, and more optimistic. Just like that, everyone is joking around more, smiling and laughing.

This is what happens when people are around this salt of the earth human being that I adore and respect so much.

Each of us emulates a vibration, which is the result of our predominant thoughts and beliefs in each given moment. So, if one person thinks happy thoughts and feels good, they’re giving off a high, positive vibration.

Mira Is An Inspirational Bee Buzzing On The Highest Vibration

Mira is an inspirational bee always buzzing on the highest vibration.  Always eager to help people around her and putting others in front of her with a sparkle in her eye.

At work, if someone was stuck, confused, frustrated, they would walk into Mira’s office and walk out with a smile and a plan. Not a plan that Mira gave them per se,  but rather a resolution that came to fruition by the person themselves just by talking with Mira.  It was magical to watch over and over.

Finding Your Passion In Life- Mr. Holland Opus Moment

Mira is a great example of someone who paid attention to what she’s good at and enjoys doing in life.  It took some time to figure this out but it goes to show you that as our lives evolve, we learn more about ourselves (which includes paying attention to what is in your heart). For her, it’s coaching students to reach deep inside (like she did) to help reveal their strengths, values, goals and interests.

Coach Mira

Mira shares that when she watched the movie Mr. Holland Opus years ago, it was like a huge “A’ha” moment. It was the moment she realized that what she really wanted to do with her life was inspire, support and guide students. 

If you have never seen the movie, as Holland discovers ‘Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans’ and as the years unfold the joy of sharing his contagious passion for music with his students becomes his new definition of success. In the movie, frustrated composer (Mr. Holland) discovers true fulfillment as a high school music teacher.

Finding Your Passion and  Discovering Your Purpose

It goes to show you that following your passion can bring much joy.  Figuring out your passion and purpose in life is never easy but, if you pay attention to clues along the way, you may find what you were born to do in life.

It’s been rewarding to watch my pal Mira land in her current career. She thrives on the opportunity to listen, learn and assist high school students take the necessary steps to find their super power and passions early in life.

When my son Jake was applying to colleges, he worked with Coach Mira. She knows how to talk to kids to help them define who they are and want they want in life. It’s remarkable. My son is forever grateful for Mira’s encouraging words of wisdom. What a gift she has.

A Lifelong Learner- Hungry For Knowledge

There is something special about being curious with the desire to learn and grow. Mira says “ I absolutely loved college and the entire college experience and am a lifelong “learner”.  So much so, that in addition to being a proud graduate of UCLA, I went back to school 15 years later to take classes at Cal State Long Beach and then at San Diego State University.” 

Mira is now an award winning college coach. She works with students all over the country as she coaches them to look within, to discover the road map of life.

Mira is married  to her amazing husband Mike and lives in San Diego where she is close to her family. She continues to inspire me and other Gal Pals all all over the country. Thank you Mira for being You

Mike and Her Husband Mike

Interview With Mira Simon

How Mira Lives A Beautiful Life With Purpose, Grace and Joy

On Living A Beautiful Life


How do you be your authentic, beautiful self?

That’s taken a long time to figure out.  Even seeing the word “beautiful” in that question gives me pause.  If you had written “authentic self”, I would have had a much easier time answering that and that fascinates me as I think about it.  I think it’s definitely an ongoing process and remembering that there is beauty in both “how” you are as well as “what” you look like and setting an intention every day to make choices based on honoring my values. 


What is the best advice about life you have ever received?

It amuses me that the two pieces of advice I most resonated and work to follow are anonymous quotes I read that tie together. 

The first is “Your passion should always be stronger than your fear” and the second is “With courage greater than your fear, jump into the unknown and you will fly”.  Both of these have inspired me to explore new things and take the leap to make them happen.


What age do you feel like you are right now? And why?

I love this question! 

I love that you asked “and why” because the “why” part is the authentic self part, it’s the part that is uniquely you! 

Your reason, your values, your feelings.  I know I’m going off on a tangent here, but back to the first question, I think asking yourself “why” along with the “what” and “how” helps one to “be your authentic self. Okay, back to the question.  I truly feel like I AM my age right now, which is 62. 

I used to feel much younger than my age in numbers, but I lost my mom last year and that tends to “ground” you in terms of an acceptance of being on your own and acknowledging where you are in life and age is a part of that.

I feel it’s important not to let my numerical age limit how I feel and what I want to do.  Plus, I’m fortunate that my profession involves working with teenagers and young adults and that is a super fun and powerful way to feel much younger than I am!


What’s your beauty secret?

This may sound silly, but for me, how I feel on the inside affects “beauty” so I’d say it was finding something to be grateful for and to laugh about every day.

Living With Purpose


What woman has inspired you the most and why?

There is no one woman but rather a collection of amazing women that I’ve had the opportunity to know and love throughout my lifetime.  Each one of them has inspired me and continue to inspire me every day in a variety of ways. 


What life-changing events have shaped you?

I was thinking about this the other day.  It’s fascinating to me how there are certain “crossroads” or “life-changing events” – both the things that happen to us and choices we make – and the subsequent ripple effects of those, that can have such a huge impact on our lives.   

These can be both positive and negative. For example, I’d have to say the biggest was the death of my dad when I was 37.  It was not only life-changing for how sudden it was (he died in a car accident) but because of all the things that happened as a result, from my moving from Los Angeles to San Diego, to changing careers, to so many other little things. 

One of the other life-changing events was moving away from home for the first time for a job in Houston.  I only spent a year there, but that one move resulted in a later move to Seattle which created opportunities and friendships that were and continue to be life-changing and amazing and for which I’ll forever be grateful.


What drives you?

Making a difference one person at a time and watching the ripple effects of that. With having now lost both my parents, I want to live my life in a way that honors their legacy of being people who were compassionate, caring, strong, loving, supportive and made a difference in the lives of so many people.

On Grace


What does grace mean to you?

Being accepting of others and their choices and values.



What issues and missions do you hold close to your heart?

Any issues that have to do with equity – whether it be voting rights, healthcare for everyone or ability for all students to have access to quality education.

On Joy


What brings you joy?

Being with friends and family.  It was my answer pre-pandemic and especially now that it’s been temporarily taken away, it dials up the intensity of how much joy this brings me. And definitely my dog, Dexter. Dogs are joy!


What keeps you up at night?

Again, perhaps because of the pandemic and the losses I’ve experienced over this last year, it’s the fear of losing friends and family.  The best way I’ve found to overcome that is to be present in each moment I have with them.


What is the daily routine that brings you joy?

My husband makes the best coffee ever! Being able to have the time to sit and enjoy it together in the morning is a wonderful ritual and starts the day off in a way that brings me joy!


Where is your happy place and why?

I am so grateful to you Lisa, for asking this question. Literally, up until the minute before I answered this, I really didn’t know what my happy place was.  And then, I happened to glance at a photo in my office that showed a picture of my family.  

We had just finished Thanksgiving lunch and taken a walk and stopped to take a picture together and I realized, THAT is my happy place – sitting at a huge Thanksgiving table, with all the food spread out, and our entire family and extended family all around it.  It is the culmination of all of the answers above:  it brings me joy, it’s the legacy of my parents and grandparents, it’s laughter and gratitude and being present in the moment.  And food!  It doesn’t get much better than that!

You can learn more about CoachMira and her business HERE.

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