lady golfer


Ladies, if you have ever considered playing golf but decided against it because it takes too much time and energy to learn the game. Or golf seems too passive for you? If so, I totally get it I felt the same way. Well, I am here to tell you it’s time to give golf a go! There are 9 great reasons, women should play golf. Golf is a fun sport that often gets a bad wrap.

In this post, I want to tell you the nine good reasons why women should play golf. 

Misconceptions About Golf

With that said, for some reason golf is often associated with the older generation. Several of my friends admit that from the outside looking in, golf appears dull. Many would describe the game as a bunch of old men on a field of green grass hitting a little white ball into a tiny hole with a flag in it.  That description no longer fits because watch out men, ladies golf is on the rise! Not only that but the golf is catching on with the younger generation as well.

two women golfing

Women golfers are the fastest growing segment of new golfers

Did you know that golf used to be predominately a man’s sport, but this is no longer true?  In fact, according to the National Golf Foundation  women golfers are the fastest growing segment of new golfers. It’s predicted that women comprise around 40% of the 2.5 million beginning golfer in the U.S.  That is roughly 22% of all 24 million American golfers are female! Ladies, that’s impressive!!! 

“Golfing is a world sport. With 35,000 courses all over the globe, it is not exceptionally tough to find a golf course nearby.” During harsh winters, you may bring the game indoors with an accurate launch monitor like the Garmin R10 golf simulator. Garmin R10 golf simulator

Hence, if you are not one of the 5 million women (in the United States alone) teeing it up…. get on it! Check out the Gal’s Guide To Golf for new golfers.

Without a doubt, If you don’t golf for fun, at least consider playing the game to network. Since women are constantly climbing the corporate ladder, golf provides an ideal way to entertain in the business world. No matter what intrigues you about the game, I encourage you to get out and give golf a go!

Why I Took A Swing At Golf

We recently moved into a home on a golf course. As I savor my coffee in the morning, I enjoy watching the golfers chip and putt on the green behind our house. Groups of foursomes cruise by in their golf carts, push carts or walk with their clubs in the rain or shine. In the Pacific Northwest, we see lots of rain and those golfers are dedicated I tell you!

While observing, I have developed an appreciation for the satisfying sound of the ping of a driver smacking a dimpled ball in the distance.  Most of all, the laughter and giggles shared on the green has encouraged me to get out there myself. 

Ladies Golf Programs

Obviously, there was fun being had, and I wanted to get in on it. I’m a social gal, and I figured golf would be a kick if I was playing with women who are low key and not too competitive for my skill level.   

With that said, I signed up for the ladies golf program, and the rest is history. These ladies programs are an ideal place to meet countless new friends. It’s been a dream to have a built-in group of gals who are regularly seeking ladies to play right in my backyard! Taking time to putt around is a gift I give myself. 

It’s A Game That Depends Solely On My Own Performance

Speaking of gifts, since golf is a game that depends solely upon my own performance, it’s been a unique experience for me to focus on my personal goals and not worry about anyone else. That’s a game changer in my life!  I am sure you can relate, huh? Making yourself a priority is out of the ordinary for most women.  

Additionally, I am competitive but mostly with myself so I have to admit that the game becomes frustrating fast when the ball doesn’t go where it is supposed to go. However, when you figure out your swing, it’s very satisfying.

Golf Is A Healthy Kind Of Challenge

Yes, the game is a challenge and as soon as you realize that every new golfer sucks,no matter who you are, it’s kinda comforting. You’re not alone. The great news is that golf doesn’t play favorites. Everyone starts on a level playing field, where height, weight, foot speed, and other traditional measures of athleticism do not determine who excels.  

Here are the 9 GREAT Reasons Gals Should Consider Playing Golf: 

9 Great Reasons Gals Should Consider Playing Golf

1.  Networking

Golfing is all about networking and making new friends. Golfing is good for your career.  

Bonding with new clients or quality one-on-one time with upper management, on the course (and potentially drinks after) can be valuable for your career.

 According to the Barron’s survey, 80% of golfers believe it’s an important business development tool. 

2.  Get Outside- Breath Fresh Air

There is nothing like getting outside during the weekend, early in the morning or in the afternoon.

When you are on the golf course, you are with nature which makes it a perfect opportunity to live in the moment and practice your mindfulness.

Golf courses are designed to be beautiful and calming. 

3.  Exercise

Beautiful and calming. Okay, so you may not break sweat the same way you do in a cross fit class or a run but a decent golf game can provide plenty of exercise (you may be walking up to 5 hours!)

The average golfer is said to burn an average of 1,500 calories per 18 holes if you walk the course. 

The average golfer is said to burn around 1,500 calories per 18 holes of golf if you walk! I often get 8-9,000 steps playing 9 holes.

4.  It’s social

Yes, is really fun with gal pals. There are always lots of laughs to be had on the course if you don’t take the game too seriously. Lunch or drinks after you play may be the highlight of your golf activity.  

5.  You can do it anywhere

Golfing is a world sport. With 35,000 courses all over the globe, it is not exceptionally tough to find a golf course nearby.  “Golfing is a world sport. With 35,000 courses all over the globe, it is not exceptionally tough to find a golf course nearby.” During harsh winters, you may bring the game indoors with an accurate launch monitor like the Garmin R10 golf simulator

6.  The fashion is fun

Not that every woman loves fashion, but if they do, then they will probably like picking out golfing apparel. Golf fashion can be super cute and sporty. 

Gal's Guide to Golf

7.  Mental Alertness

Golf is a mental game, so it keeps you mentally alert. A fit body makes for an alert mind and golf benefits your body, mind and spirit. 

8.  Try Something New

Golf forces you to put yourself out there and try something new.  You may realize that you enjoy the subtleties of the game.   You may also find that you have hidden strengths. Little details like these help you spread your wings in your personal and professional lives. 

9. It’s A Social Sport

Golfing is fun with your friends and or your loved ones. It’s a lifetime sport and you can play into your older years.  


Take one step at a time and remember that a novice golfer’s goal is to move from the awkward phase to the next level of play , where you routinely hit the ball airborne, finish holes and hit numerous shots every round that bring you back for more.

I hope you could appreciate the  9 reasons women should play golf… I hope you give golf a go.

Let me know if you have a golf story to share. 


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